First, I want to deeply apologize for the lack of posts this past week. But in my defense, I was waiting to share some super awesome news with you all. Here it is...
A couple weeks ago, I submitted a flash fiction piece to Spark Flash Fiction. (If you have never heard of them, please, go read some of their stories online right now! They are amazing!) Anyway, the piece I wrote for their 'Love is Magical' Edition was accepted! And my story, 'Ruby of Crimson' will soon be out in the world for all to enjoy. I am so estactic that my first little fiction children will be alive and breathing soon.
Needless to say, I want to personally invite each and every one of you to the launch party Spark is having tomorrow, Saturday the 20th, at 8:00 pm. Is it your first? It will be mine, too! I will be sending out a blog post tomorrow morning with the link for you all to join later in the day.
I am pleased to share this news with all my loyal subscribers, and I cordially invite each of you to join the launch party tomorrow evening.
The link and...maybe some details about my story 'Ruby of Crimson' will be coming in your inbox tomorrow. Until then, have a wonderful Friday!

I love the story! and you Payton! You are amazing!
The story was beyond amazing! I Can’t wait to read more!
Congratulations Payton!! I can’t wait to read it!