There is something powerful about envisioning ourselves standing at the helm of a ship, turning with the waves to follow a path made by the sea. Each spray of the ocean rips into our flesh and encourages us forward. But are those rocks up ahead? We must love the wind that fills our sails, but we dread the jagged rocks that rise from the depths. To me, that is life. And sometimes if feels I face the joys and terror alone. A captain to be taken by the sea of life. Should I go to the left or right? Should I follow this map I have been given by others, or go the uncharted course? And if I'm given a chance, will I be brave enough to let the sails down and barrel ahead?
When I think of things that happen in my life, and I assume yours too, I will feel bursts of hope for the future. But then I question if it's right or if I am crazy. Sometimes, I worry that I'm having to make decisions alone...but I stumbled into a verse that sums up what I need to think. It's Psalm 16:8-9, which reads:
"I have set the LORD always before me: Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: My flesh also shall rest in hope. "
God is right there with me at the helm of my ship. No matter what. So, in the decisions I make, people I meet, mistakes I make, or things I question, I must remember He is with me. He is at my right hand as my Captain. I need to let my heart be glad in all things and cease to let worry control my actions or steps.
My flesh gets to be covered in hope. I need not fear the future or what I may have messed up, for it's all in His hands. So, let your future days and weeks be no more coated in question or dread, but let hope, love, and joy rise. Rejoice in the hope that each day and action has a purpose bigger than ourselves. Accept the hope, sadness, joy, question, love, and all other gifts with a healthy dose of knowledge that God gives and sees it all.

Trust and Obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. One of my favorite hymns. Thank you for the timely message of always looking to Him and trusting Him. Our part is to follow and obey. I need reminding of this often!
Look to Him, trust Him and love Him more than anything. He is worthy and He is faithful. He will never let you down! Love you 💚
I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have God on my side. I’m so glad you are trusting him at your young age. He will be with you through life. Love you. Joyce.