Hopping into different areas is all the rage as of right now. To put my own reading life in perspective for you, I wish to share on some time traveling I have read; and one I will be reading and reviewing soon! Will you be joining the trend with me?!
'Waterfall' by Lisa T Bergren is the start of a fantastic time bending series that I will categorize as time traveling. This book, which flows into a series, involves two modern day girls jumping back to the Middle Ages! Umm, yeah, if that did not grab you something is very wrong! Has anyone else read this series and loved it? It is action packed and makes me wish to join them in heading back to medieval Italy. Anybody want to come?
Now what time bending is on my TBR? That would be the new release...'When the Day Comes' by Gabrielle Meyer. This book involves a heroine that lives two lives. (Lucky her, but she must be exhausted! Whew..) One is in the glamorous world of 1914, and the other in a patriotic 1774. Very interesting, to say the least. Now, what category of time traveling does this go in, since it is not exactly time traveling as we know it, nor is it time crossing between multiple characters and plots. I have a couple ideas... We could call it a...
Time Bender (because it makes time stand still when she wakes in her different lives)
Time Switcher( because she changes eras)
Time Crosser(becasuse Gabrielle gave Libby the power to cross into multiple eras)
Yeah, they are the same in little ways. :)
Anyway, is one of those your favorite? Which would you call it? And remember to pick them up and go on an adventure for yourself!
